For those of us who have grown up working in the senior living industry, it is still hard to believe how much of our business now begins online. But the stats prove how important your web presence is in staying ahead of your competitors. According to a Forrester survey, adults aged 56-66 spend more money online than any other age group. With the average age of a new assisted living resident just over 83 now, that group likely includes the adult children who more and more often drive senior care decisions. Also interesting to note is that this group is 76% more likely to click on an online ad than younger generations (Crowd Science).
Remember when we used to worry about leads lost on the phone before we got them in to the community for a visit? Now we have to worry about loosing them online before we can worry about loosing them on the phone!
The SCS team offers you these 6 Tips to evaluate where you are online:
- Is your content fresh, unique and industry relevant? And by fresh we mean current…as in updated every few days?
- Who on your team is keeping up with the frequent Google updates and adjusting your strategy accordingly? We aren’t really joking when we tell clients, “If Google ain’t happy…you won’t be either“. You won’t be found online unless you have the right content.
- How long are people staying on your site? Where are they spending their time? It won’t do any good to build a strategy that ranks you on Page One if families aren’t staying there long enough to engage. Your content needs to get you found and still be relevant to families.
- Do you have a set of follow-up protocols unique to online leads? That’s an important strategy because these leads are different.
- When was the last time you mystery shopped your online lead process? We tend to invest in our phone and in-person mystery shops, while neglecting our online response.
- Are you re-evaluating your referral partners and contracts with them? Which are performing? Which are wasting valuable staff time? Start the new year off right by taking a look at those results.
If you struggled with the answers to any of those questions, we’ll be happy to set up a time for a free phone consultation. Just fill out the form on our Contact Us page. We will return your call or email promptly!
How does your team plan for 2013?
Do you go through a formal review of your revenue quality indicators?