Senior Care Content that Gets Noticed is Easier to Develop than Toilet Paper Content
The past few weeks on our Senior Care Content Blog we’ve been talking what else… senior care content. We’ve offered advice on how to best move from a site without any resources or fresh content to one that is a hub of information and tools for senior living decision makers. During this time, we’ve heard from a few friends in senior care and assisted living who said they don’t have anything to write about. Really. They said that. While that provides a good opportunity for The Senior Care Specialists to step in and provide that service, it got me to thinking… Are there industries out there that can legitimately say that? Hmmm… I raced to my Google search box to see.
I found some crazy content. Some X-rated content. And some that is downright genius. Here are a few creative examples of content from some unlikely organizations…
Poleskivvies sells clothing for pole dancing. Hey someone has to right? Now I know their blog says they are selling the business and moving on to other adventures, so please don’t tweet me about that. My point is they found ways to use content and social media for their business that doesn’t involve strip clubs and mug shots. They have over 1,300 fans on Facebook.
Agilent Technologies sells “measurement tools for chemical analysis, life sciences, electronics and communications industries”. Yawn. Did I lose you after measurement tools for chemical analysis? Some of you have probably seen or read about this one. It’s been around for a year or two. They managed to take a grey matter numbing subject (nod to my life science friends here)and bring it to life. Or…almost life. I even made our own company puppet show to share with you. You should make one, too.
I saved the best for last. Charmin toilet paper. They’ve developed Sit or Squat. Admit it, people. We’ve all been there. It rates public restrooms with a sit or a squat. You can download the app for your phone and check it out when the need arises, so to speak. You can also add bathrooms and rate them.
If a chemical tool company, a toilet paper company and a pole dancing clothing company all have great content, how can there not be opportunity for our industry? We can educate families trying to figure out the difference between independent and assisted living. Or families trying to decide if they need home care or assisted living. We can offer online support groups. We can share videos of the amazing life enrichment programs that take place every day in senior living communities. Let us know if you need help.
So what is your favorite content success story out there? We’d love to hear from you. But keep it clean, please. My grandpa reads this blog…