If you’ve reviewed your analytics, you probably noticed how many searches take place on mobile devices. Yep. Even in senior living.
Making sure you have content that meets seniors —and especially their adult children — where they are is more important than ever before. These micro moments in senior living are events and questions that lead them to hop on their device and search. Quick searches completed on the run.
Think about it in terms of what we know drives people to begin to search for senior living. The concern before they call you…
Say an adult daughter gets a call at work that her aging mother had a terrible fall. Her Mom was able to crawl to the phone and call 911. Frantic daughter rushes to the emergency room. Once she gets the word that her mom is ok but will be admitted for observation, worried daughter pulls out her smart phone.
What is she searching for?
Senior Living Micro Moment Example
Here are a few ideas of what people were searching for in February of 2016:
- There were over 51,000 searches for some variation of the long tail key phrase, “how to stop a senior from falling.”
- 63,350 people asked Google “how to tell if a parent needs help” or a similar phrase like “caring for aging parents” or “taking care of elderly parents.”
- Almost 80,000 people searched for phrases related to “elderly parent home safety assessment.”
This is just one example of many in our industry. These evergreen searches are topics adult children will always explore. Having web pages and blog topics that clearly and concisely answer them is important. And making sure your site is mobile-friendly is vital.
Grab a Cup of Joe and Dig In…
Grab yourself a Starbucks Honey Caramelized Latte or a glass of red wine if you want to be all healthy-like, and check these out. A few of our favorite articles that can help you learn more about micro moments.
- Being There in Micro Moments, Especially on Mobile
- Google’s Micro-Moment: Why It’s A Game Changer For CMOs
- Best Practices: 10 Ways Marketers Can Compete for Micro-Moments, The New Moment of Truth: Google’s Micro-Moments Reshape the Marketing Funnel
- Your Mobile Moments are Shrinking
You could even read them on the treadmill while you are drinking your red wine to be super healthy…
Next Step: Review Your Senior Living Content
So you get it now right?
This is a big deal. It’s why some senior living providers are rocking online lead generation and others aren’t.
The next steps are:
- Think about those micro moments in your senior living community. Make a list of them. Then review what content you have and what is missing. (To help you understand time frame on this one, we do this for each client on a quarterly basis.)
- Build clean pages that address each topic. And we do mean clean…don’t try to combine 3 or 4 topics on to one page. These searchers are on the move. They want easy access to quick answers.
- Show the solutions in the form of real life people whenever possible. Tell the stories…
Accepting New Blog Clients!
If you’ve been thinking about starting a blog, shoot us a note. After months of not having a big enough team to accept new clients, we added two new writers to our team and now have a waiting list of…zero! It won’t stay like that for long though, so zip us a message today…
Photo courtesy of freephotodigital.net