Don’t you just love a good statistic? Senior living website stats are especially fun for us.
And sometimes when you find the stats you need, they speak for themselves. Like these two great ones from our friend Debbie Howard, the CEO of Senior Living SMART.
Fun Facts About Senior Living Website Visitors
- 87% of all senior housing sales begin online, making websites the #1 sales tool for lead generation.
- Prospects visit a community website an average of 7.8 times during their buying journey.
So we are just going to sign off by encouraging yourself to ask one simple question: Does your website have the content it needs to keep a family returning 7.8 times during the decision journey?
If the answer is NO, drop us a line. We’ll help you create a content strategy and develop senior living content that changes that NO to a YES!!!
p.s. By the way, if you are a small or medium sized senior living provider, you really should check out Senior Living SMART. They are a great resource to help you compete with the big dogs on everything from print collaterals to newsletters for your life enrichment programs.