When it comes to the senior living decision, we know most are being made by more than just the older adult. In fact the senior living “Decider-in-Chief” is often the adult child. We’ve talked about the numbers and stats behind these decisions on many occasions.
As a provider, what can you do to attract, engage and convert the senior living decider-in-chief?
This week’s Marketing Minute tackles that topic…
More and more of the Google analytics we see are proving one thing: the stories that show how senior living improves an older adult’s life are connecting with families.
Yes, stories and testimonials are a lot of work. But reaching families with the stories of your residents can really amp up your engagement.
Here are a few ideas for you to kick around as you soak up the last days of summer:
- Which residents have seen their lives improved since moving to your community? Likely all of them! As we all know, quality of life is at the forefront of the senior living decision. Ask your team about the changes they’ve witnessed in residents from move-in day to present day.
- Think about the couples who have moved in. Have their children shared the relief they feel? Especially long distance children? Peace of mind for adult children is also a driver of these decisions.
- What about a panicked daughter who saw her mother slowly slipping away? It might be from depression or poor nutrition. Repeated falls. Tell the story of her improvement from healthier eating habits to wellness programs and let your community’s benefits shine.
- Have you had a wedding among two residents at your community? Who doesn’t love that story?! So tell it in a blog post or article. Share it on your social channels.
- Is there a group of older chaps who are all widowers or bachelors? Talk about them hanging out playing pool or poker. All too often the stories we see are couples or just the ladies of a community.
- Don’t overlook stories that highlight an entire family’s engagement. Is a resident’s grandson volunteering in your computer lab? Are grandkids routinely stopping in to help with the resident greenhouse? Inter-generational stories help give the community life and personality.
You get the idea right?
So wander through your community and think about the stories your residents and their families have to tell. Then create a thoughtful, interesting article that tells them!
While we have a wait list for our blog subscription services, our editors do have time to polish up the stories you create in-house.