Wow! We haven’t done one of these posts in well over a year! Guess that means we’ve been a little busy…
We used to routinely share a list of the marketing books you would find on our bookshelves if you visited our office in person.
That’s right…real live books. Not digital guides or links to online resources. Our crew still believes and finds value in them.
So what have we been reading these last months?
First, there are the staples we drag out from time to time when we need a refresher or a little inspiration. You can find our favorites here and here too.
And what have we recently added to our marketing bookshelf?
Here’s a quick look:
Talk Triggers is a definite favorite around here.
We know word of mouth is a leading referral source for the senior living industry, and this book drives that home.
Storynomics: Story-Driven Marketing in the Post-Advertising World
This is another one making the rounds in our office. A focus for us in 2018 and 2019 has been on telling resident stories, and this book is a great resource.
The Road to Recognition
This is another great read that is co-authored by one of our favorite writers, Barry Feldman. The authors discuss how to build your brand and earn recognition for being an expert. It’s insight you can use to position team members as senior living experts in their niche areas.
Content That Converts
While this book is B2B focused, you will still pick up some valuable tips if you give it a quick review.
Content: The Atomic Particle of Marketing
Finally, this awesome book. Not sure how we missed this release, but it’s one making the rounds and earning rave reviews from our crew!
Did we miss a newer content marketing book you consider a must-read?
Drop us a note and we’ll share it in our next update. Which, fingers crossed, will be a little more timely coming your way than this one!