We are often asked what mistakes we see senior living providers making with their content. It’s a tough question to answer for many reasons.
Lately, however, our response has been to encourage senior living providers to spend time and effort capturing subscribers.
As social media platforms have primarily become places for people to fight about politics, and concerns about privacy dominate the news cycle, it only makes sense to spend more time and money on the channels you own.
Primarily, focus your resources in your own website and email campaigns.
In recent months, it does seem like providers are ramping up the content they create, especially on their blog.
What we don’t see is providers taking the next step to create a premium piece of content to use to capture email addresses.
When you create and publish relevant, useful content that answers families’ questions or educates them on aging-related topics, they come to see you as a trusted expert.
If you create a solid guide or ebook and ask only for a name and email address, you’ll likely find visitors will share that information.
They’ve spent time perusing your site and consuming your content, so they are more likely to believe the premium piece you are offering will be worth sharing limited contact information.
You will then know what they are interested in (based on the guide they downloaded) or concerned about and be able to slowly nurture your new relationship.
If you don’t take time to ask for an email address, you rely on a visitor returning on their own or them picking up the phone to call one of your communities.
The reality is, people may not do either. You’ve lost them even though they benefited from your content.
But if you have their email address, you can subtly stay top-of-mind by sharing related content and resources.
Let’s use the premium piece we created for our site as an example.
The Stats to Support Developing Premium Content
We saw a need to create a guide that was something of an introduction to senior living content marketing.
So many of our newer clients and blog subscribers indicated they felt left behind when it came to all things digital.
They were hesitant even to ask questions because they were…embarrassed. Most realized content marketing has become a top lead generation tool and something they should have mastered by now.
To help, we put together a guide that starts at square one. Basic principles to make it easier to understand what content marketing is and the role it plays in generating senior living leads. You can check it out here.
It’s only been available for a few weeks and the results are crazy impressive. If it sounds like we are tooting our own horn it’s because… we are.
Here’s the scoop:
- Our subscriber list has grown by 29% already. For a tiny niche like ours, that is a number that is making us do a happy dance. (Only one person gave us a fake email address just to get the guide.)
- We have had three providers who are brand new to us put deposits down for creating premium content and two more go on our blog list.
- Two conference liaisons contacted us about teaching what we shared in the guide at upcoming events.
Guys…it hasn’t even been a month yet!
The moral of the story is… don’t neglect creating premium senior living content so you can capture and nurture family leads.
Drop us a quick note if you have a question or need help creating a guide of your own.