One of the latest buzz words in the content industry is “atomizing.”
Atomizing content is being used to describe taking a big piece of content or idea and busting it up in to smaller pieces. Atoms.
The senior living industry lends itself quite easily to atomizing, doesn’t it?
For seniors and their families, senior care is one big, confusing industry. By breaking up the content we create to help families navigate it a little more smoothly, we make it easier for them to digest.
You can take one solid piece of senior living content and blast it in to smaller pieces to use on different platforms.
That also makes it seem like you and your expertise are everywhere.
If you are an SCCS client, this is a topic you’ve heard us discuss ad nauseam.
Getting the most bang for your content marketing dollars is just good sense, right?
Your Executive Director and RDO will love you, and you’ll have more money to spend another vital marketing budget item…
Like renting an ice cream truck for your Sunday open house. (Seriously, does anyone out there know how to do that? I need one in September and am having zero luck here in Ann Arbor-land.)
Here’s a fun example to get you thinking along the lines of how to atomize some of your senior living content.
Atomizing to Make Your Senior Living Content Work Harder
Let’s use the pretend ebook you created on how to navigate the maze of senior care options as an example, okay?
Plunk the ebook down in your atomizer, and blast it in to smaller pieces like these:
- A series of blog posts that focus on one type of senior care (from the guide) at a time
- A podcast or video series to ask and answer common questions about each level of care
- A Twitter campaign that links back to the blog posts outlined above
- A LinkedIn campaign that targets professional referral sources
- A SlideShare presentation
- A series of targeted email campaigns
- A Facebook series with quotes/photos of residents from each type of care
- An interactive quiz to help narrow down what type of care a senior needs
- A news release or series of news releases for television stations and local papers
- A Facebook Live Q&A session
- A presentation for marketing teams to use for a speaker’s bureau topic
You get the idea right? Think creatively about all of the ways you can stretch and re-use one of your senior living content.
Drop us a note if you need help creating content that connects and converts seniors and families.
We are booking late-Fall and winter projects now (I know right???), so don’t wait to contact us for help.
Until next time,