If I had a dollar for every time one of our crew debated blog post word count with a client or ad agency we write for, we’d all be retired and sitting on a beach somewhere.
Enjoying an adult beverage with a twirly little umbrella while dolphins high jump in the distance.
We’ve always been big believers in writing until we’ve covered a topic well. Then signing off.
No fluff or filler, just enough detail that our senior living blog articles are truly helpful to older adults and their families.
It’s what separates great content from meh, that was a waste of 10 minutes types of blog posts.
That’s why we were psyched to once again see Google tackle this issue…
What Google Says About Word Count
Google’s @JohnMu has addressed the issue of word count over and over and over…
But the idea that the longer your blog post is, the higher Google will rank it, persists.
We see and hear this topic being debated all.of.the.time in senior living circles.
Usually by folks who are just regurgitating myths they’ve read about thin content and low quality being linked to word count.
So we were happy to see this Twitter thread pop up last week.
In a nutshell, create quality content that people find helpful.
And because we practice what we preach, that’s the end of this blog post on word count…
Drop us a note if you have questions or would like to get on the wait list for our senior living blog services.