A former colleague left her assisted living marketing role a while back to work as a VP of Sales for her local ABC affiliate. Shortly after, she tried to recruit me as a sales manager. I politely declined. I wasn't interested in "sales", I explained … [Read more]
Senior Care Post-Holiday Lead Boom
Ready or not... we are less than a week away from the senior care post-holiday lead boom. When frantic families are emailing, calling and stopping by unannounced for a tour. As we take a holiday break from content creating, we wanted to leave you … [Read more]
To Blog or Not to Blog: Advice for Senior Care Providers
If you are an assisted living provider or a home care agency, chances are you’ve kicked around the idea of starting a blog. But for most senior care providers, time is something you never seem to have enough of each day. How do you decide whether or … [Read more]
Assisted Living Lead Follow-up: Being Persistent or Being a Pest?
Online lead generation and follow-up strategies for assisted living or senior care are ever evolving. As a veteran senior living professional who helped launch one of the biggest senior care referral agencies, colleagues are often asking me for … [Read more]