We know you have a lot of questions about senior living copywriting and content. Here are the answers to the ones we hear most often:
What key words should we use in our senior living copywriting and online content?
This isn’t an easy question to answer, as much as it seems like it would be! Over the past few years Google has made changes that require less focus on keywords and more emphasis on the intent of the search.
When you are creating content for your assisted living or home care website, each page should have its own strategy.
Think about the senior care decision journey families take.
Then concentrate on developing content that answers their questions at every stage of that journey. A few examples would be “What is Assisted Living?” or “How to Pay for Assisted Living”. You get the idea right?
What key word density should we strive for on our senior care site?
Ah…key word density. Any certified SEO copywriter (like our crew!) will tell you that is a term from days gone by. In a post-Panda world, Google considers it keyword stuffing and will penalize you for it. Instead, have a keyphrase strategy for each page. Sure you can use a keyword or phrase on more than one page, but have a strategy that supports it.
We own twelve different senior living communities. Each one has a different website. Can we use the same blog content on each one and just change the name & address?
In a word? No…
Google considers that to be duplicate content and they really frown on it. Duplicate content works against your ranking because Google tends to see that as spam. If you’d like to learn more about this topic – and what business owner doesn’t these days – YouTube has some great videos. Listen to Matt Cutts, the former head of Google’s Webspam team, explain what Google considers duplicate content.
How is an online lead different than a family walking through our door for a tour?
Usually if a family walks through your door unannounced, they are a serious prospect. They may even be in crisis mode with a family member. When a lead comes to us online, however, they may be at any phase of the assisted living buying cycle.
Think about your own Google searches each day. One day you might be kicking around the idea buying a new flat screen TV and you want to learn more. Read a few reviews. Check out some prices. No real rush. Other times you may be in a hurry. You have a houseful of guests coming in two days for a Super Bowl party and your TV bit the dirt.
Its the same with online senior care prospects. Don’t assume they all fall in to the “Not Ready Yet” category and slow walk to respond to them. Or disqualify them. Most eventually do move.
In fact, research shows that about 80% of them eventually move somewhere. Some even move quickly. You need a strategy and solid follow-up protocols to capture each family lead and figure out where they are in the process.
What are some good Call to Actions (CTA) for our site?
Think about your CTA in terms of the way they found you or where they are on your site.
- Did they land on your cost of care page? How about making the CTA a free tool to download that makes it easy to compare apples to apples in determining the cost of a community.
- Did they land on your home page? Consider developing a free ebook to download on how to choose an assisted living or home care provider.
Think strategically about what information they may be seeking at that point in their search.